
Tuesday 25 January 2011

Today at school

Today at school i whent into ilearn and we finished of our steriotypes about a teenager and a nurse and a teacher so i finished that but i was going to get a piece of paper when my teacher said for me to show her it and i did really well so she said that i was finished so i didn't need to do three i only did two. My next lesson was p.e. but i had to go to stressbusters with a group that have anger managment so when we whent into our own room my teacher said that we had a surprise, me and the others in the group thought that we were getting sweets but then she said that we were going in the hall to watch a singer doing some singing so we felt embarised because we thought it was sweets.I whent into the hall and she did some singing i really hated it because it was not my type.At the end we were leaving i was at the back of the row so it took a really long time.I said to one of my freinds "My grandma could go faster than this". They all laght,and as they laght my headmaster said for the back row to go,finally i thought to my self.We got a poster and a signiture from the singer,i didn't like it because it was not my type.


Anonymous said...

Loving the blog Tom and I am so sorry for the disappointment yesterday in StressBusters - i thought the singer was fab - fare more exciting than a bag of cola bottles lol! I will be be adding your blog to my favourites and will dip in on a regular basis - see how you are doing. I think this is an excellent idea and a great tool for dealing with anger issues.

Mrs Jones :)

cam said...

so you didnt get to see that girl sing ohwell im sure that stressbusters was alot better LOL!

Miss Stepek said...

Hi Tom,
Just a reminder for you to remember to write about your science lesson today where you got very frustrated with Josh. I think it would be good for you to think about how you could have made him see your point of view better than the way that you handled it at the time. I think this blog is a great idea, so well don.
Miss Stepek

Mrs Jones said...

Morning Tom

I hope you are going to have a good day today. Your teachers now have your blog address and I see Miss Stepek has asked you to write down your feelings which you experienced in Science yesterday. I look forward to reading how you believe you could have handled the situation better. Remember the 20 second countdown rule - it really can help you think about what you are going to say/ before you act on impulse and let your anger take control.

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