
Tuesday 18 September 2012

I had a great time at school. Today I'm writing on my blog for English we are doing similies, great fun. It was as fun as Minecraft.

Friday 14 September 2012

Lunch time with friends

today at lunch i spent time with my friend george we had our lunch together he had a packet of biscuits and i had penut butter sandwitch nom nom nom in the lesson im in now we r blogging and i was the one that came up with the briliant idea plz comment tnks for reading

Thursday 30 August 2012

I not long got a macbook pro its so awsome its mainly used for school because im going to be doing GCSEs so a macbook is perfect for getting good grades

Wednesday 13 June 2012

Ii have just got this awsome acer aspire one laptop off of my gran she is fantastic and i want to thank her so much for giving it to me im really happy with it and it works fantasticly and so finnaly i can use something to blog on wahhoooooo please leave comments on this post tnks:)

Wednesday 4 April 2012

spending time in lyneham

I spent some time in lyneham i had alot of fun.

But the only problem is that i lost my jumper it was such a pain. please leave a comment

Published with Blogger-droid v2.0.4

Monday 2 April 2012


I have just got an android im using it to blo now i think its doing a good job plz comment tnks

Wednesday 20 April 2011

When i whent on holliday

when i whent on holiday i was going skiing i got prety burnt from the sun and i had my goggles on and i looked like chi chi the panda it was really funny. I had alot of other people that came along with me and i made freinds with them well with some of them there was one that really got on my nerves and he did it so he could anoy me so i really hate him. Hope you like it and comment on it. Bye

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